Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Five Common Symptoms of Bipolar Article...

Here’s a list that I found while surfing the net about bipolar. It seems to solidify what I already know. I just thought maybe it could help some of you that aren’t sure yet. Here it is then….

5 Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

If you or someone that you care about is possibly suffering from bipolar/manic-depressive disease, here is a list of 5 commonly experienced characteristics amongst those who have been diagnosed:

1) Their moods shift drastically, and sometimes go back and forth very quickly. Some people who suffer from bipolar are called “rapid-cyclers”. These swift mood changes are what is meant here. They may seem highly elated at one moment, and then very low – near death – just hours later.
2) If they are not such “rapid-cyclers”, they may experience longer periods of each emotional extreme. They may be super-energetic for days or even weeks, and then crash into despair. For the loved ones of these people, it is very hard to understand, and they often feel that it’s their fault somehow.
3) In times of depression, sufferers of bipolar may lay in bed for weeks on end. It’s hard to believe for non-sufferers.
4) Bipolar people may go through periods when they will show absolutely zero interest in everyday life. Just common things such as cleaning the house, laundry, eating, even personal hygiene. Of course, it goes without saying that it becomes nearly impossible for them to hold down a job.
5) When they are “up”, or manic, they are hard to keep up with. It’s as though they seem to try to be making up for their “down, or depressed, times. They often experience real feelings of guilt for their lack of production.

There was more to this article, but I read these and thought, wow, that’s just like what I’ve been seeing for years now. I’ve got to say, bipolar people really need to get on and stay on some medicines. My wife takes it as long as I make her. Well sometimes on her own, but sometimes not. If she goes more than a few days, watch out! Gotta go for a while. Talk again soon.

My wife receives SSI Disability because of this dreaded disease. It helps out a lot because, as I said, it's hard for them to hold down a job. Check this out, it can help you too. Bipolar SSI Link

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